Exams time is tough for the whole family, more so for the student. The reason is lot of peer pressure and self expectation. Studies have shown that stress reduces the performance of the student and can lead to anxiety attacks & depression. Here are some simple tips to help during exams
1. Make a schedule or mind map. Try making your personal study schedule so that you have a direction. For this you can take help of your parents or teachers
2. Prioritise. Pick up topics that feel difficult, in the beginning. That will increase your productivity and reduce anxiety
3. Reward yourself. Pat yourself in back or treat yourself if you achieve a goal.
4. Positive mentors & friends. Surround yourself with friends & teachers who are encouraging & not the ones who increase anxiety
5. Exercise & do deep breathing daily. Half an hour to 45. minutes of exercise with deep breathing (pranayam or yoga) releases hormones like serotonin and endorphin, which reduce anxiety and increase productivity
6. 6-8 hours uninterrupted sleep. Preferably sleep early and rise early. This helps in maintaining melatonin, hormone responsible for body rhythm
7. Hydration. Drink plenty of fluids to flush out toxins which helps in preventing infections.
8. Take help. If you are stuck or confused reach out to your family or teachers for help.
9. Be kind to yourself. Do not put yourself down. You are doing your best, that is all what is needed.
10. Boost immunity. Try eating healthy food. Anxiety can lead to binge eating. You can add a good vitamin supplement to prevent falling ill. B complex, magnesium, Vitamin D & Zinc are known to reduce exam stress.
Chubears gummy vitamin for kids. This has all the essential vitamins for reducing exam stress and keep your child healthy.