How to choose the best vitamin for my child?

How to choose the best vitamin for my child?

Two most common questions that parents usually ask - 

1 Does my child need vitamins supplements?

2  If yes, then how to choose the best supplement for my growing child?

 To answer the first question, there a lot of factors that determine whether a child needs vitamin supplements or not.  Are they eating a balanced healthy diet,  do they have an active lifestyle,  good water intake,  play in sunlight to absorb Vitamin D,  junk food eating habits etc?

Most working parents are not able to monitor the diet with more than one child in the family.  Factoring in the unhealthy lifestyle of junk food and less physical activity combined with stress of excelling in studies, extra curricular activities etc can also add to deficiency of micronutrients i.e. vitamins and minerals.  So most kids in today's lifestyle do require some sort of supplementation

To answer the second question,  there are a few points to look into how good a supplement is or not-

  • Does it have the proper ingredients in the correct dose as advised by the National Pediatric Association of that country, for us it's Indian Academy of Pediatrics or IAP
  • What is the source of ingredients?  are there organic?  Are they gluten free,  Gelatin free?
  • Vegetarian?  in India most families follow a vegetarian diet
  • The form of supplement-  syrup, gummy or chewable Tablet. Supplements are effective only if they are taken for a long time, usually 3-4 months.  Surveys have shown that children are happy eating a Gummy supplement.
  •  Is it created or recommended by any doctor or medical authority?

Multivitamin supplements gummies usually come without iron.  The reason is that if a child  eats a lot of gummies at one go,  Iron can be toxic. Iron gummies are manufactured separately. 

If still in doubt, always talk to your child's doctor to have a better idea.

 Chubears gummy vitamin is unique because it tiks all the above requirements for a good vitamin supplement for children. 

It is created by doctors, Child Specialist,  based on IAP guidelines for Indian children.

It is 100% vegetarian,  gluten  free,  gelatin free,  and has no genetic modification.

It has natural fruit flavours with no chemical involved

Chubears Iron Gummy has been created using Latest Japanese technology and a new liposomal which has zero side effects and is more effective than any other form. Children really love this iron gummy because it does not cause any teeth staining,  Metallic taste or constipation.  Just after a month they feel a big boost in their energy.

 So please don't wait. 

 Your child deserves the best! 

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